Thursday, August 14, 2008

$5 from KOHL's

You can go Here and sign up for Kohl's email alert and they will send you a free $5 off your next purchase of $5 coupon. You can signup under more than one email address so your spouse could sign up as well to get $10 worth of free stuff. The only thing with this coupon is that you can only use one $5 off coupon per transaction. So break your transactions up.

I signed up for this deal a little while ago and got my $10 worth of free coupons. I was able to go and get 2 shirts for my little girl that were clearenced for $2.50 and $2.60 a piece so I paid about $.22 cents out of pocket for them. Then the cashier let me use my other $5 off for another transaction because it was for my husband and I was able to get me 2 pairs of earring that were already clearanced for 80-90% off. I paid $.15 out of pocket for two pairs of earrings as well. So I only paid $.37 for two shirts and two pairs of earrings!!

Remember if you don't want to continue getting the emails after you get your coupon you can always unsubscribe at the bottom of one of their emails they send you.


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